
Φεβρουαρίου 07, 2020

   What is the painting on the ceiling?

Theodosis: It’s the sun and the and the seal!

Theodora: It’s the ocean and sun!

Lenia: I can see the sun and the ocean!

Victor: It’s the sunset, sun and the ocean!

Apostolis: It’s the and blue ocean!

Dimitris: I can see the sun and the sea!

Agelos: Sun and big waves!

Elisaveta: I can see a worm and a sun!

Philip: I see colors, blue, red and yellow!

John: Sky and the sea!

Glikeria: It’s a sun!

How is the sun?

Dimitris: Like a snail!

Elena: The sun looks like a circle!

Melina: I see the ocean and blue!

Lenia: I see big and small waves!

:)Μενού από 10/2 έως 14/2/2020