2 years old:
five methods for learning language are: naming, describing, comparing,
explaining, and giving directions.   Each method builds upon the previous one so always start back at naming and
describing when introducing new objects, people and places.  
is a brief explanation of each of the five methods for language learning:
Naming:  This is simply saying the names of objects as your
point them out to your toddler (ball, door, table, window, shoes, etc.).
Describing:  This is describing the objects your toddler
has learned by telling number, colour, shape, size, texture or sound of the
objects (red ball, square window, soft pillow, etc.).
Comparing:  By comparing you tell your toddler how
objects, events, or people are the same or different.  You can use
opposites (old hat new hat, tall man short man) or compare objects using words
ending in “er” or “est” (your shoe is bigger than your
sock, this is the smallest ball, etc.). 
Explaining:  Talk to your toddler about what you are
doing. (I am putting on your pants.  After we read this story it will be
time for bed.)
  This is the last
of the five methods and most advanced.  Your toddler will begin to follow
simple directions such as “Put your shoes in the closet.” 
When giving directions use
many prepositions and your toddler will soon learn to relate to the world
around him. 
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